Magnezio-riebeckit v mramoroch zo Šugovskej doliny pri Medzeve (Slovensko)
Magnesio-riebeckite in marbles from Šugov valley, near Medzev (Slovakia)
Klíčová slova
This contribution describes the occurrence of magnesio-riebeckite in marbles from Šugov valley, near Medzev within Bôrka nappe, in Meliata unit (Slovak Republic). Magnezio-riebeckite belongs to high pressure mineral assemblage that was locally identified in studied samples of Šugov marbles. Šugov marbles consist of Cal + Qtz ± Mg-Rbk ± Chl ± Hem mineral assemblage. Based on AlIV and BNa content, the relative pressure estimation is 700 MPa assuming low temperatures around 350 - 450°C. Remnants of magnezio-riebeckite reflect and confirm high-pressure evolution of Bôrka nappe during subduction processes connected to closure of the Meliata Ocean in the Late Jurassic.
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