Revize zeolitů v alpské paragenezi z historické lokality Oslavany (Česká republika)
Revision of zeolites in Alpine paragenesis from the historical locality Oslavany (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
Zeolite mineral association from historical locality of Oslavany, situated 25 km SW from Brno (Moravia, Czech Republic), and deposited in the collection of the Moravian Museum in Brno has been studied recently. The most common zeolites are white natrolite along with red-brown stilbite-Ca in radial aggregates, up to several centimeters in size. Analcime forms very small isometric grains or crystals and occurs along with prehnite as pseudomorphs after laumontite. The most interesting mineral in the association is heulandite-K (K ≤ 1.75 apfu), a very rare end-member of heulandite series in the world known only from a few localities. Heulandite-K was found as small grains of red-brown color with a pearly luster. Mineralization is developed on the fissures of amphibolite probably from the Svratka crystalline complex in the immediate overburden of the Olešnice unit,Moravicum. The accompanying minerals include prehnite, titanite, calcite and white quartz (rare amethyst). This alpine paragenesis is characterized by a high content of Ca and was formed at temperatures below 170°C. High activity of K (heulandite-K) in the early stage and high activity of Na (analcime, natrolite) in the later stage are accompanied by overall high activity of Ca (laumontite→prehnite→stilbite-Ca) during the entire process.
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