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Rapidcreekite from the mine dump of Mayrau mine, Vinařice near Kladno - the first confirmed find in the Czech Republic

Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 199-205



We have undertaken a study of the rare hydrated calcium sulfate carbonate mineral, rapidcreekite, from the burnt mine dump of the Mayrau coal mine at Vinařice near Kladno, central Bohemia (Czech Republic). This is the first confirmed occurrence of this mineral in the Czech Republic. Rapidcreekite forms rich crystalline aggregates up to several cm2 in size and radially arranged aggregates up to 2 - 5 mm in diameter, both composed of well-developed flattened acicular crystals up to 2 mm in length. Rapidcreekite crystals are colourless to whitish, transparent to translucent and have an intensive vitreous luster. The quantitative chemical analyses of rapidcreekite agree well with the proposed ideal composition and correspond to the following empirical formula Ca1.00(SO4)0.97(CO3)0.99(PO4)0.03·4H2O (on the basis of 2 Ca+S+P atoms pfu). Rapidcreekite is orthorhombic, the space group Pcnb, with the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data: a 15.5324(13), b 19.2334(18), c 6.1702(7) Å and V 1843.3(2) Å3. Raman spectroscopy documented the presence molecular water, sulfate and carbonate units in the crystal structure of rapidcreekite.


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