Paratacamite from the Jáchymov ore district (Czech Republic) and its association
An interesting mineral association of paratacamite, nantokite, cuprite and an unnamed NaCuCl-arsenate was found at sample from the Jáchymov ore district (probably 12th level of the Geschieber vein, Svornost mine), Krušné hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Paratacamite occurs as light greenish-blue to whitish green irregular aggregates up to 2 mm in size. It is trigonal, space group R-3, the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 13.656(8), c 14.042(11) Å and V 2268(2) Å3; its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Cu3.00(Cu0.56 Ni0.38Co0.03Ca0.03)Σ1.00Cl1.91(OH)6.09 on the basis of 4 cations apfu. Nantokite forms aggregates up to 200 μm in size replacing earlier native copper. It is cubic, space group F-43m, the unit-cell parameter refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 5.4164(12) Å and V 158.90(11) Å3; its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Cu1.00Cl1.00 on the base of 2 apfu. Cuprite was identified only by X-ray powder diffraction data, it is cubic, space group Pn3m with unit-cell parameter a 4.2736(4) Å and V 78.08(2) Å3. An unnamed NaCuCl-arsenate occurs as lavendulane-like blue crusts with an area of up to 5 × 8 mm on altered rock or earlier paratacamite. The crusts are composed of hemispherical aggregates up to 0.2 mm in size with a very finely crystalline surface. Its X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d(Å)/Iobs: 12.808/100, 4.944/25, 3.114/16, 2.738/17, 2.516/20) does not correspond to any approved mineral species. The chemical composition of NaCuCl-arsenate is close to ideal formula NaCu5(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)2Cl·3H2O and its empirical formula based on As+P+Si+S = 4 apfu is Na1.07Ca0.24(Cu4.70Ni0.27Co0.02Zn0.01Mn0.01)Σ5.01 (AsO4)2.00[(AsO3OH)1.73(AsO4)0.13(SiO4)0.08(SO4)0.04(PO4)0.02]Σ2.00Cl1.26·3H2O. The origin of the described mineral association is connected with (sub)recent weathering of native copper in quartz veinlets in altered granite rocks.
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