Nordstrandite from the Richter quarry in Hammerunterwiesenthal, Saxony (Germany)
The new occurrence of well-crystalline Al-hydroxide, nordstrandite, was found in the Richter quarry in Hammerunterwiesenthal (Germany). Nordstrandite forms a cluster of pink-orange elongated translucent lanceolate crystals of 6 × 3 mm in size. Nordstrandite is triclinic, space group P-1 with following unit-cell parameters: a 5.111(9), b 5.079(9), c 5.132(8) Å, α 70.3(1)°, β 74.1(9)°, γ 58.5(9)° and V 106.2(4) Å. Raman spectrum agrees very well with published data for this mineral phase and is considerably different from Raman spectra of another Al(OH)3 polymorphs. Nordstrandite was found in the close association with natrolite
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