print 2570-7337
online 2570-7345

Instruction for authors


Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie

ISSN: 2570-7337 (print); 2570-7345 (online)


1. Scope of the Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie

"Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie" (ISSN 2570-7337 print, 2570-7345 online) has been established on 1 January 2017 through renaming as a successor of the Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze (ISSN 1211-0329 print, 1804-6495 online)  published since 1993. It is published simultaneously in printed and open-access electronic versions. It is published twice a year and contains high-quality original papers, brief research letters (including all necessary data) and review papers.

"Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie" is a peer-reviewed journal focussed especially on:

  • mineralogy, crystal chemistry and study of crystal structures of minerals
  • study of mineral associations and processes of their origin
  • meteoritics, research of tectites
  • economic geology (of ore deposit) and study of history of mining of ore deposits
  • topographic mineralogy
  • petrology of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks
  • instrumental analytical methods at mineralogy and petrology
  • mineralogy and petrology as tools for archeology and similar disciplines


2. Legal requirements

The authors guarantee that the manuscripts published in the "Bulletin" was and will not be published in the same or another language in another specialized journal with the same or similar title, content and attachments. Exclusive copyrights for each language and any country are transferred from the authors to the publisher in case of admission to the print and subsequent publication of the manuscript. This copyright covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute published articles including reprints, microfilms, electronic media (including the Internet) or any other reproduction or translation.


3. Submission of manuscripts and review procedure

Manuscripts must be written in a clear and concise style in Czech, Slovak or English. The length of manuscripts (text including tables and pictures) should not exceed 30 pages (with about 400 words per page) for Original and Review papers, 10 pages for short Letters. Longer manuscripts may be accepted provided that their length is justified by scientific significance.

Manuscript submission is recommended in electronic form to the editor: (up to 4 MB in one e-mail message), larger files can be sent via or similar.

All received manuscripts are anonymously reviewed by at least two independent peer-review experts and their acceptance is solely dependent on their scientific quality. The manuscripts which are returned to the authors for revision after reviews are normally expected to be corrected within 1 months.


4. Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscipts must be prepared in the text editor Microsoft Word (version 2000); if other text editors are used, please save the final file in MS Word 2000 (*.doc, if this is not possible, then in .rtf format). The text in the file must be aligned to the left, neither the manual hyphenation of the words nor the manual indent of the paragraphs should be used. The all manuscript (including headings, literature, etc.) should be written in one style (eg "normal") using the font "Times New Roman" and font size 12. Do not use PDF to prepare and send the manuscripts.


Title page

On the title page of the manuscript state the Czech and English title of the manuscript, which must fully reflect its content. Also state the full names and surnames of all authors of the manuscript followed by the full addresses of their affilations (or residence) including postcodes. For the corresponding author, please also state the e-mail and telephone number (the phone is not published).
Another part of the manuscript is an English abstract summarizing the most important results and conclusions of the submitted manuscript. The length of the abstract should not exceed 400 words (100 words for concise research). Include 4 - 8 keywords in English, separate the words with a comma.


Text body

In the text of the manuscript, use the SI units (and their accepted prefixes) with the exception of structural (and X-ray) data for which use the unit Å (corresponding to 10-1 nm) . Use only IMA approved terminology and rules (especially mineral names, classification, etc.); invalid names of minerals or their mixtures enter in italics without quotation marks (limonite). Indicate general positions in the crystal structure of minerals in italics (T, Me); the structural position of the given chemical element is indicated by a superscript to the left of the element symbol (IVSi, BCa). In the case of using Miller symbols, distinguish by the type of parenthesis whether it is a designation of crystal shapes - {100}, faces - (100) or structural planes - 100 (without parenthesis). When specifying vein directions or ranges in data, always use spaces, i.e. NW - SE, 0.40 - 0.60 apfu, etc. (not NW-SE, 0.40-0.60). Use italics (e.g. Kα, Mβ) when specifying spectral/analytical lines.

The numerical data in the text (and tables) should be declared with a decimal point (13.9 km, 7.11 mol%, 25.63 wt% SiO2), for empirical formulae, it is necessary to indicate the brackets of the sum - fror example (Bi3.97Pb0.06Ag0.02)Σ4.05Te1.97S0.98.

Write individual subtitle headings in lowercase. In the text body of the manuscript, do not shorten words: table, picture, year, photos; use shortening only in brackets (Tab., Fig.).



The references cited in the text must fully correspond to the list of references in the end of the manuscript. References are done in the usual way, e.g. Pavel (1995), Pavel, Petr (1994) or Petr et al. (1963) resp. was determined (Pavel 1995), is generally known (Peter, Pavel 1956, Pavel et al., 1965, Tomáš 1965b). If you refer to several works by the same author, follow the following examples: Tomáš (1965a, b, 1972), Tomáš, Albert (1980), Tomáš, Vašek (1960), Tomas et al. (1965, 1980). In the reference list, individual types of work are listed according to the following examples:


Journal papers:

Perchiazzi N (2006) Crystal structure determination and Rietveld refinement of rosasite and mcguinnessite. Z Krist Suppl 23: 505-510
Mumme WG, Sparrow GJ, Walker GS (1988) Roxbyite, a new copper sulphide mineral from the Olympic Dam deposit, Roxby Downs, South Australia.
 Mineral Mag 52: 323-330


Anthony JW, Bideaux RA, Bladh KW, Nichols MC (2003) Handbook of Mineralogy. Vol. V., Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates. 1-813, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson

Book chapters:

Malec J, Morávek P, Novák F (1992) Mineralogicko-petrologická charakteristika zlatonosné mineralizaceIn Morávek P (ed.) Zlato v Českém masívu 41-51. Vyd Čes geol úst Praha

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Vrbová H (1994) Spinelidy serpentinizovaného ultrabazického tělesa u Mohelna. Sbor Konf mineralogie, geochemie a životní prostředí (Ostrava-Poruba), 26-27. Vyd Čes geol úst Praha

Theses and unpublished results:

Řídkošil T (1981) Zeolity a některé jejich vlastnosti. Kompilační práce k odborné aspirantské zkoušce, PřFUK Praha.
Svoboda J, Prantl F (1949) Železné rudy Barrandienu. MS, archiv ČGS - Geofondu Praha P 2771


Papers published online

Papers published online and not yet printed can be cited using DOI (Digital Object Identifier):

Kotková J. (2007) High-pressure granulites of the Bohemian Massif: recent advances and open question. J Geosci DOI: 10.3190/jgeosci.006

www pages (without DOI):

Geochemical Data Toolkit (GCDkit). Access 2 Marcha 2012 at address
Samouhos M (2012) Lavrion minerals. Access 2. March 2012 at address


When preparing the Reference list, please pay attention to dots and commas in the quotations in the examples above. In addition, we recommend the use of abbreviations for their titles in Czech and foreign periodicals in accordance with the "Geological Bibliography of the Czech Republic" (Czech Geological Survey, Prague). References are listed in the list of references in the case of one or two authors in alphabetical order; in the case of three or more authors in chronological order according to the following example:

Tomáš P (1965a)
Tomáš P (1965b)
Tomáš P (1972)
Tomáš P, Albert T (1980)
Tomáš P, Vašek J (1960)
Tomáš P, Albert T, Franta J (1951)
Tomáš P, Vašek J, Albert T (1965)
Tomáš P, Albert T, Vašek J (1980)



Tables must be attached at the end of the manuscript. They will be insterted into the text during finalization, close to where they are first mentioned. Tables should be simple without manual text offsetting or manual word breaks (with unmerged cells, i.e. the same number of rows and the same number of columns) inserted directly into the WORD text editor, or tables in EXCEL format.  Never insert tables as images in the text. There is no dot after the label (name) of the table; more detailed explanations to the table (basis of recalculations, explanation of abbreviations, etc.) should preferably be given below the table.



Only high quality figures will be accepted. Attach the figures to the end of the manuscript, they will be pasted into the text when they are finalized, close to where they are first mentioned. If a figure is included directly in the manuscript, the identical figure must also be supplied in separate source files. There is always a dot after the description (name) of the picture. In the case of composite images (boards), use lowercase letters a, b, c, d... to mark individual images. There is always a dot after the caption of figure. In the case of composite figures, use lowercase letters a, b, c, d... to mark individual images.

Figures can be delivered electronically in file formats (for PC) *.tif, *.jpg (no compression) or *.cdr (for CorelDraw 11 or lower) formats. Sufficient resolution is required for the images due to the final printed format (300 dpi for photos, 600 - 1200 dpi for graphs). For macro / microphotographs (SEM, BSE, etc.), give a graphical scale or word expression in the description of the image (e.g. apatite crystal with 5 cm length), not for example a 50 x magnification. For all photos, the author must be given, with field photos also include the year and optionally month when the photo was taken.

Figures (photographs, maps, charts, etc.) can be printed in full color at the request of the authors. However, color printing requires authors to pay extra costs (2,500 CZK/100 EUR per print page or  5,000 CZK/200 EUR for 4 consecutive print pages). If you are interested in color printing please inform the publisher - Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD. (