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An interesting occurrence of metatyuyamunite and a minerals of the mixite-group from the Dušní (Geister) vein, Jáchymov (Czech Republic)

Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 215-220



An interesting association of supergene U and Y/REE minerals was found in the dump material at the Dušní (Geister) vein in the Jáchymov ore district, Czech Republic. The mineral assemblage is represented anomalously rich and well-crystalline metatyuyamunite associated with metazeunerite and minerals of the mixite group (agardite-(Y) and goudeyite), jarosite and probably chenevixite. Chemical composition of the metatyuyamunite studied was determined by electron microprobe analyses. Its empirical formula can be expressed as (Ca0.81Pb0.22)Σ1.03(U0.98O2)2V2.05O8.3H2O (mean of 5 point analyses; on the basis of 15 O and 3H2O apfu). Microprobe data indicated that the studied metatyuyamunite represents a Pb-rich variety, which is the first report so far. The refined unit-cell parameters of metatyuamunite from the powder X-ray diffraction data (for the orthorhombic space group Pman) are a = 10.615(8), b = 8.399(5), c = 16.824(5) Å with V = 1500(1) Å3. Minerals of the mixite group are represented by intermediate members of the agardite-(Y)–goudeyite solid solution series. Their empirical formula can be expressed as [(Y0.47Nd0.06)ΣREE0.53Al0.42Pb0.10Ca0.04)]Σ1.09(Cu5.92Zn0.06)Σ5.98As2.99O12(OH)6·3H2O (agardite-(Y)) and [Al0.50(Y0.40Nd0.03)ΣREE0.43Pb0.08Ca0.04)]Σ1.05(Cu5.81Zn0.21)Σ6.02As2.98O12(OH)6·3H2O (goudeyite). Minerals of the mixite group, metytyuyamunite and namely metazeunerite are partly overgrown by jarosite and probable chenevixite. Studied association represents a supergene alteration products of in-situ weathering of primary ore mineralization.


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