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Stibioclaudetite from the Zlatá Idka Ag-Au-Sb deposit, Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts., Slovakia




A rare mineral, stibioclaudetite, ideally AsSbO3 was discovered at the dump of the Najvyšší Štefan adit at the Zlatá Idka Ag-Au-Sb deposit near Zlatá Idka, Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts., Košice-okolie Co., Košice Region, Slovakia. It occurs as colourless prismatic crystals up 5 mm with perfect cleavage, developed on fractures of quartz gangue with abundant stibnite, arsenopyrite and minor pyrite. The unit-cell parameters of stibioclaudetite from the Zlatá Idka (for the monoclinic space group P21/n) refined from the PXRD data are: a 4.5715(17) Å, b 13.112(2) Å, c 5.4182(15) Å, β 94.97(3) and V 323.55(14) Å3. Its chemical composition corresponds to the average empirical formula As1.09Sb0.91O3.00. Raman spectrum of stibioclaudetite is also given. Stibioclaudetite was formed by the in-situ weathering of primary ore minerals at the base of the supergene zone under the relatively reducing conditions.


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