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Mottramite and Mn-oxide mineralization from the Přísečnice ore district, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic)

Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 374-382



New finds of supergene minerals - Mn oxide (romanèchite) and PbCu vanadate (mottramite) in the Přísečnice ore district, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic) are described in this paper. The studied mineralization was found atsmall dump of the mine Maria Kirchenbau, located in the peripheral part of this historical ore district, about 1 km SW from southern margin of the Přísečnice dam. Romanèchite occurs there as brown-black fragments up to 5 - 6 cm in size formed by hemispherical to spherical aggregates up to 0.5 cm across. It is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with unit-cell parameters (refined from X-ray powder pattern): a 13.936(7), b 2.845(2), c 9.685(8) Å, β 92.39(5)° and V 384.2(4)Å3. Mottramite forms rare yellow, yellow-green to brownish crystalline aggregates up to 0.5 cm in size, formed by tiny translucent to transparent prismatic crystals up to 0.2 mm in length. It is orthorhombic, space group Pnma, with the following unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder pattern: a 7.698(1), b 6.026(1), c 9.275(1) Å and V 430.3(1) Å3. The chemical composition of mottramite is possible to express by empirical formula (Pb1.02Ca0.01)Σ1.03(Cu0.88Zn0.04Mn0.02Ni0.01Fe0.01)Σ0.96(VO4)0.99(SiO4)0.01 (OH)0.98.


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