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Sylvanit, clausthalit a doprovodné minerály ze železnorudného ložiska typu Lahn-Dill Pittenwald u Skal u Rýmařova



An interesting post-metamorphic vein mineralization composed of fine-grained muscovite (sericite), titanite, fluorapatite and hematite (the latter with increased Ti) was found at abandoned iron-ore deposit of the Lahn-Dill-type at Pittenwald near Skály (near the town of Rýmařov) in the Vrbno Group (Devonian, Silesicum). Sporadically, in the vein fill there were also found small grains of bornite rimmed by supergene minerals (malachite and Cu-sulphides - digenite, geerite, spionkopite, yarrowite and anilite). Bornite and Cu-sulphides are host of minute inclusions of clausthalite, tiemannite and sylvanite. The origin of this uncommon vein mineral assemblage is interpreted in terms of retrograde-metamorphic hydrothermal processes, during which Se, Te and heavy metals were remobilized from surrounding acidic to basic (meta)volcanites by fluids characterized by relatively high activity of oxygen.


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