Crystal chemistry and Raman spectroscopy of arsenolite from Dobšiná (Slovakia)
Arsenolite is a cubic form of As2O3 with space group Fd3m and a diamond - type structure which is mostly chemically homogeneous with only arsenic cations in its structure. Arsenolite from Dobšiná is characterized by increased amounts of Ni (up to ~ 4.4 wt. % NiO; 0.340 apfu), Mg (MgO content up to 0.51 wt. %; 0.073 apfu) and Ca (CaO content 0.17 wt. %; 0.017 apfu). In most cases, it forms simple isometric cubic crystals with mainly octahedral, but very rarely also hexahedral faces. Crystals with longitudinally elongated faces (1-11) are also usual. The PXRD pattern of arsenolite from Dobšiná gave following unit-cell dimensions: 1) a = 11.0497(8) Å and V = 1349.1(3) Å3; 2) a = 11.0742(4) Å and V = 1358.1(2) Å3. In the diffraction patterns, two characteristic background bulges occur, which probably indicate nanocrystalline imogolite. Based on unit-cell dimensions, arsenolites from the mines and also from the waste dumps were formed at temperatures below 30°C. At the Dobšiná deposit, arsenolite is formed as the latest supergene mineral ever after the crystallization of Ni and Co arsenates. It originated from the decomposition of annabergite or in paragenesis with erythrite and gypsum.
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