Argentopyrite from the Bohutín deposit, Příbram (Czech Republic)
Rare argentopyrite was found in the Bohutín deposit of the Březové Hory ore district (central Bohemia, Czech Republic). It was found on two archive specimens and forms up to 2 mm large globular aggregates consisting of very small prismatic crystals. Original colour is bronze-brown but it very fast tarnished black. Apart from main elements Ag, Fe and S, it contains minor Cu (up to 0.019 apfu) and Sb (up to 0.022 apfu). Its empirical formula (37 analyses) on the basis of 6 apfu corresponding to (Ag0.99Cu0.01)Σ1.00Fe1.95S3.04. Its refined PXRD unit-cell parameters for the monoclinic space group P1121/n are: a 6.693(1), b 11.459(2), c 6.454(1) Å, γ 90.24(1)°, V 494.9(1) Å3. Crystals of the phases of proustite - pyrargyrite solid solution up to 2 mm are the most abundant Ag-minerals on studied samples. Proustite forms cores of these mixed crystals, younger pyrargyrite forms their rims. Colour is light cherry red, lighter than the colour typical for pyrargyrite from Příbram. Galena, pyrite, sphalerite and stephanite are the other associated minerals.
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