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Mineral assemblages and lithology of marbles of the Bohemian part of the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)

Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 113-140



Several types of locally abundant marbles occur in variegated complexes of the southern Bohemia with distinctive mineral assemblages and lithology of the host rocks. The following types were distinguished: (1) Silicate-calcite marbles (Cal + Di + Ttn ± Tr ± Qz ± Pl ± Kfs ± Wo; (2) pure calcite marbles, locally with dolomite (Cal + Phl ± Di ± Qz ± Dol and Tr + Cal + Phl); (3) graphite-calcite marbles, locally with silicates (Cal + Phl + Gr + Di + Py ± Dol); (4) calcite-dolomite marbles (Fo + Cal + Dol ± Chl (Spl) ± Chu ± Chn and Di + Cal + Dol) with accessory geikielite, baddeleyite and zirconolite and (5) dolomite marbles (Dol + Tr ± Cal ± Phl ± Fo). The peak-T conditions at T ≥ 650 °C and PCO2 < 0.6 are indicated by the assemblage Di + An + Wo in calcite marbles and Spl + Fo (XMg ≈ 1) with geikielite and baddeleyite in dolomite marbles, respectively. The retrograde post-peak-T at < 550 °C is characterized by the assemblage Dol + Tr and serpentinization of forsterite. The following regions were defined in this area based on their geology and lithology: (A) calcite marbles with quartzites overlying lower Monotonous unit; (B) Český Krumlov region with marbles closely associated with graphites and partly with amphibolites; (C) rather small bodies of marbles associated with Gföhl migmatites, granulites and durbachites; (D) giant bodies (> 300 m thick) of calcite marbles in the western part of the Moldanubicum.


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