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Cr-Ni rich muscovite in listvenite from Muránska Zdychava near Revúca (Slovenské rudohorie Mountains, central Slovakia)



Unique chromian-nickeloan muscovite occurs in magnesite-dolomite-quartz listvenite rock (carbonatized and silicified serpentinite) from Muránska Zdychava near Revúca (Veporic Superunit, Slovenské rudohorie Mts., central Slovakia). Muscovite forms anhedral aggregates and veinlets in quartz and carbonate groundmass, up to 20 μm across. It shows emerald-green colour, electron-microprobe analyses revealed 9.5 to 12 wt. % Cr2O3 (0.52 - 0.67 apfu) and 2.1 to 4.5 wt. % NiO (0.11 - 0.25 apfu). The average crystallochemical formula of the Cr,Ni-rich muscovite is close to K0.65(Al1.13Cr0.59Ni0.19Mg0.16Fe0.05)Ʃ2.12(Si3.33Al0.67)Ʃ4.00(OH)1.90F0.10. The Cr and Ni contents belong to the highest concentrations of these elements ever obtained on a mineral of mica group. The Cr-Ni muscovite is associated with accessory chromite, pyrite, and Ni-sulphide minerals (pentlandite, violarite, ullmannite and millerite). The Cr,Ni-rich muscovite and associated minerals of listvenite originated by hydrothermal-metasomatic overprint on primary, Lower Paleozoic metaultrabasic rocks during Alpine (Cretaceous) orogenesis.


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