print 2570-7337
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Dachiardite-Ca and associated mineralization from Doubice - Vápenka near Krásná Lípa (Czech Republic)



An interesting zeolite association has been found in the abandoned quarry Doubice - Vápenka, northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). Dachiardite-Ca is the most interesting zeolite at this occurrence, it forms colorless to milk or greyish white translucent crystals up to 2 mm in size and their aggregates. It is monoclinic, space group C2/m with following unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data: a 18.617(6), b 7.507(2), c 10.248(3) Å; β 108.07(2)o and V 1361.6(7) Å3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.48K1.02Na0,08(Si20.08Al3.87)O48·13H2O. Erionite-K, clinoptilolite-Ca, natrolite, phillipsite-Ca and thomsonite-Ca were found in the association, their X-ray powder diffraction data, unit-cell parameters and chemical composition are given in the paper. The find of dachiardite-Ca is the third one in the Czech Republic and its first occurrence in granites or Cenozoic basalts. The zeolite (+ Pb, Zn) mineralization is connected with the intensive tectonic setting along the regionally prominent Lusatian fault where five geological formations - granitoids of the Lusatian Pluton, Permian, Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments and Tertiary basaltic volcanics - occur together.


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