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Research of plagioclase in greywackes of the Teplá Barrandian Proterozoic by method of descriptive frequency histograms



Research of plagioclase by the descriptive method of frequency histograms was applied to file of microprobe analyzes of plagioclase in greywackes of the Teplá-Barrandian units. The set of analyzes of the author's article (Lang 2000) provides sufficient amount of analyzes to using descriptive frequency histograms of the An values and median Or. Or content in relation to An component varies according to the genesis of plagioclase (rock), especially, plagioclases of orthogneiss, migmatite and paragneiss. The results shaw that the statistical analysis of the main components of feldspar (An, Ab, Or) will have application in all, feldspar containing rocks. Many things indicate that it will be possible to differentiate the development of feldspar in different geological regions.


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