Articles from author "Sivek Martin"
Minerals of the „ottrélite“ schists from Vápenný Podol in the Železné Hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 2 (2020), pages 339-346
Coal tonstein in the No. 674 Seam of the Lower Suchá Member (Karviná Formation, Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin)
Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 191-200
Almandine-rich layers in the clastic sediments of the Saddle Member (Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin
Volume 24, issue 2 (2016), pages 205-216
Coal tonstein in the No. 560 Seam of the Saddle Member (Karviná Formation, Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin)
Volume 23, issue 2 (2015), pages 171-181
Hollandite and cryptomelane from Poniklá near Jilemnice, Czech Republic
Volume 23, issue 1 (2015), pages 103-108
Siderite concretion horizon above the No. 22 Coal Seam in the Upper Suchá Member of the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin
Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 293-302